
The 2011 Christmas List! (Part One)

December is upon us, friends! And you know what that means!!!

Unabashed materialism and gift-giving! America!

I’ve already got the gift for my Mah, Brah, and a few choice others picked out, but i’m sure they’re having a hard time figuring out what to buy me.

Let me make it easy for you.

Without further ado, The 2011 Christmas List!!!

1. The Nokona WF-1200C 12 Inch Walnut Softball Glove

The 12-inch. Not the Buckaroo. Not the Kangaroo. The Walnut. From Nokona. What’s more American than that?

2. The Toshiba Canvio 3.0 500GB External Hard Drive

Because 8MB images from the Nikon are rapidly eating my MacBook’s drive.

3. This Rotation

Wilson, Garza, Darvish, Feliz, Harrison, Holland.

Pick your Favorite Five.

4. Portal 2

Because I am both intelligent and intrigued by puzzles.

5. The Nikon 50mm f/1.8D Nikkor Lens

Ready for your close-up?

That’s all I have for right now.

Nevin Pays Me

Swagger Wagon

I want this to be me in 5-7 years. But, with more hair.

Thanks to Sean & Matt for this one.

Sedona & The Grand Canyon!

A special lady-friend of mine came to visit me in Arizona this weekend, and we went to Sedona, Arizona on Saturday, November 19, and then to the Grand Canyon on Sunday, November 20.


And people claim that God created this.

He wouldn’t have had time.

Absolutely breathtaking.

For the whole album, click Here!

I Wanna Go Fast!

For my weekend in DFW, I used my American Airlines miles to reserve a rental car, specifically a Cadillac CTS. But when I arrived at the AVIS Preferred Desk, I was notified that they didn’t have anymore Cadillacs. My response?

“Do you have any Camaros?”

It was a fun weekend.


If You’ve Got No Place to Go…


For more pics of the Blizzy-Blizz, click HERE!!!

Empire State of Mind – The Album

Just a little sample:

For more, click HERE.

Song of the Day – 11/3/11 – Zac Brown Band

Looks like a wintry mix this weekend. I’ll likely stay in the hotel and read.

Can’t wait to see my Denton people next weekend. Until then, this’ll have to do.

Zac Brown Band – Colder Weather

Empire State of Life

Go ahead and throw this one on the Fullscreen.

You may notice that it’s a lil blurry in this embed, but if you click on the “HD” button in the embedded player, you can watch it in full-fledged HD crispness on Vimeo. It’s rather gorgeous at times.

Shot on a Nikon D3100 in NYC, October 28th, 29th, and 30th of 2011. We stayed at the DoubleTree Times Square on the 28th and the Millennium Hilton on the 29th. Thanks to Nevin, Clay, Frank, Alicia, and Jay (Sean).

Alone in the Air

This video was taken on an HTC Inspire 4G, and shot mostly at DFW Airport, and in the sky between PHX SkyHarbor and DFW. Shot in September 2011.

The song is “Alone in Kyoto” from the Lost in Translation soundtrack.

Keep Right, Flagstaff

Took the new camera out for an afternoon spin today. I took over 300 photos, but deleted about 75 percent. Here’s some of the most interesting:

I am very rapidly learning how to use this thing. Mmmmmmm.

Nikon D3100

Got a new toy.

It’s a Nikon D3100. I’m really liking it so far, so be on the lookout for lots of semi-good photography in the near future. This NYC trip is gonna look goooooood.

Anybody with any tips, or lenses they wanna sell, lemme know.

A Call From Down South…Way Down

I was lying in bed in my hotel room at about 12:20 in the night, lights off, thinking about my life and some various goings-on, and work and blah blah blah, and I was feeling kind of bummed out. I’ve really missed my friends lately, and work has been outrageously stressful, and I have been boozing too much and not really taking care of myself, so I basically just felt like hell, all-around. When that happens at night, I end up sort of trapped in my own head, looping a bunch of negative thoughts and replaying the things I’d rather not worry about. It isn’t how I want to spend my “relaxation time.”

Plus, my damn sheets are all messed up.

So, I was having a stupid night, and then my phone rang.

The first thing that I thought was, “Oh shit…Clay got murdered in Laredo.” I mean, when the phone rings at 12:30 at night, unexpectedly, it’s rarely good news, right? The number was totally unrecognized (area code 702), so I answered it and said hello, and a female voice giggled and said, “Coots? Do you know who this is?”

And I said, “KIRA???”

Kira Morris, good friend and exceptional snuggler, called me from Antarctica.

Kira currently works for the U.S. government, and last week shipped out from Colorado, and after a brief swing through New Zealand, arrived at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. In the brief time between her return from Europe and her trip down waaaay south, Kira and I hung out a bit in Texas, and after I came back to Arizona, we talked on the phone a little bit, and last week, before she got on her plane bound for NZ, she gave me one last phone call to say goodbye, and I thought I wouldn’t hear from her again for several months.


Kira is a considerate, caring, nurturing person (baha) and was thoughtful and gracious enough to pick up the phone IN ANTARCTICA and call me. She said, “my friend found out a way to make calls back to the States FOR FREE!!! I called my mom first, but she didn’t answer, so I called you because I knew you’d pick up!!!”

And damn right, I answer my phone. Good thing too, because I don’t get calls from Antarctica very often. My words were:

“I don’t, uh…don’t think…yeah…pretty sure I’ve never gotten a call from Antarctica before.”

So, all bullshit aside, Kira…thanks.

That call was more than fun and sweet for me…it brightened a pretty dark night.

For more on Kira, vist her extremely Coots-inspired wordpress blog: MYNAMEISKIRA

When I first found out several months ago that she’d be going to Antarctica, i told Kira, “You DO realize there’s a fantastic chance you’ll be the hottest female on the continent, right? Pretty big honor. I mean…i guess only like, what? Six other girls can say that?”

Old-fashioned, hand-crafted comedy right there.

You guys DO realize that polar bears are only found in the Northern hemisphere, right? So all those Coca-Cola commercials where Penguins and Bears share cokes? Those are bullshit. For a lot of reasons.

Could you imagine zoo keepers keeping penguins and bears together in the same exhibit? And just pouring coke into their water bowls?

That’d be one helluva sugar-fueled bloodbath.


We knew it was going to snow in the Flagstaff area, but I didn’t know it was coming so soon. When I left the hotel to head to work this morning, I was greeted by a crisp morning breeze, and I was thankful that I ordered my new jacket last week. Sometimes it makes me look like Indiana Jones:

Anyways, on the Northern Arizona University campus, I came around a corner to find this:




It didn’t snow in the town proper, but it was around 55 degrees and windy. I was disappointed, and wanted to get up on that mountain, so after work, I headed up to the Arizona Snowbowl.

The sun was already behind the mountains to the west, and on the way up the Humphrey’s Peak, deep in the forest, it was very, very dark. The switchbacks were intense, and as I neared the top of the mountain, ice started to appear on the side of the road. The thermometer on my dashboard dropped and dropped, and within 15 minutes, the temperature had dropped from about 55 degrees to 27. As I rounded one curve, three deer, a doe and her two fawns, were slowly crossing the road, their exhalations visible in the air. Very surreal. It was too dark for my camera(phone) to grab a good picture, but the eyes of the doe reflected the light from my flash.

As I climbed higher on the mountain, I finally crossed a high enough elevation so that the tops of the trees became golden, and when I finally got as far as I could go, I stopped the car on the slope of the mountain, and with the car sitting on ice, I put the E-brake on and got out. I was on the west side of the mountain, and looking out towards the sunrise.


And just so you ain’t think I lying…


What was it like in Texas today?

Arizona – Texas – Arizona

When I arrived at DFW airport, I was picked up by my good friend Nevin Nichols.

Then, we checked into our hotel room in Downtown Fort Worth.

Then we went to see Lucero.

Then after recovering on Saturday, we went to David and Natalie Bauerkemper’s wedding, which was great.

And then I came back to Arizona.

The End.

Won’t You Take Me To…FUNKYTOWN?!?!

“My Texas weenie is SO stout right now.”

This Friday, September 30, I will return to the DFW Metroplex for two reasons. The first, of course, is to participate in the marriage of good friends David Beezy, and the future Mrs. Beezy, Natalie Martin. You’re welcome, and I’m really proud of the both of you. I envy you and your relationshiptual stability more than you know. The wedding is Sundey, and will be a blast, but…


I fly in from PHX Friday evening, and land at DFW at 5:05 PM, at which time I’ll take the trolley south to the Rental Car complex, where I’ll be picked up by one Nevin Nichols. Then, we will go directly to downtown Fort Worth to check into my hotel rooms. RoomS. Then, once checked in and whore-bathed, Nevin and I will head to the Fort Worth Music Festival, where we will join Garrett M., Nick Fox, Mark Hump, Justin & Syd Golson, Matty Glenn, and other in watching the greatest band ever:


Lucero goes on at 8:30, and we will have tons of fun. Then, after the show, we will go downtown in Fort Worth, where we will drink and be merry and be a family, and then after the One-Girl-Party that is Brianna Baine joins us, we will likely get rowdy and yell a lot and talk about how much we’ve missed each other. And then, after all is said and done, we’ll head to the hotel roomS that I’ve got booked downtown, and crash.

Sounds like a damn fun night to me.

Lucero – All Sewn Up

Where in the World is Brandon Coots?: Flagstaff, Arizona

After  a fun tuesday night with great friends like Matt Glenn, Justin Golson, Syd the Kyd, Kira Morris, Mikala Salmeron, Megan Pieper, Aly Moor, Jim…errrr…Jim, and a dash of Rowdy Rachael Kolbensvik, I finally got some sleep. And, considering both the amount of cherry-flavored whiskey in my system and the amount of travel I knew I’d have to do the next day, it was a good sleep.

When I rose from my “bed” on the morning of Wednesday, September 14, I took a shower, and while swaying back and forth a bit, planned out my day a bit. I decided to wear my Nike Dri-fit “running” shorts, because they would be comfortable, and wouldn’t require a belt that I’d have to take off while going through security. My new orange running shoes would be the most comfortable while walking through the numerous terminals and facilities. And of course, anything more than a t-shirt would be over-dressing. With my clothes on, my effects packed up, and a dull headache slowly replacing my swim-head, I departed the home of Justin Golson, Matt Glenn, Curtis Kelsey, and their unofficial 4th roommate Sydney Allen, and made for my home-away-from home, the legendary City Parc at Fry Street.

But of course, I stopped and got doughnuts and kolaches first.

An hour or so later, after saying bye to some folks, and with the much-prayed-for rain starting to roll in, I jumped in my (free) rental and headed for DFW airport. It’s always very sobering leaving a safe-haven full of friends and fun to go to a place you’ve never been to before, so my ride to the airport was quiet. It was drizzling. I listened to Bon Iver, and by the time I reached the rental car facility, I had my game-face on. I was ready to board. Ready to make my way out west.

To Arizona.

What do you think of when you think “Arizona?” Heat? Desert? Perhaps the Saguaro? All of those things are accurate, but not necessarily what you’d find at my destination. Oh no, Flagstaff, Arizona is much, much different.

Flagstaff, a city of about 65,000 people and home to Northern Arizona University (and the fightin’ Lumberjacks!). It’s geography differs greatly from the Valley of the Sun, as Flagstaff sits on the edge of the San Francisco Peaks, in the shadow of Humphreys Peak, which at over 12,000 feet, is the highest point in Arizona. The NAU Lumberjacks are well-named, because the city is absolutely covered in ponderosa pine trees, a far cry from the desert shrubbery down south. In all, it’s amazing.

When I landed in Phoenix, it was rather warm. But it was a dry heat. After taking the bus to the rental station and scooping up my (weak-ass) Jeep Compass, I made my way through the Phoenix area, where I eventually found Highway 17 and headed North, to my destination.

Just outside the city, most hints of civilization disappeared. It was, in more ways than one, a desert.

As I travelled North, the highway became less crowded, and cities were far and few in between. I literally drove for upwards of 20 miles at times without seeing a town. The terrain was rocky, treacherous even. “This is some tough country,” I remember thinking.

And as I neared the middle of the state, a sharp plateau rose in front of me, the edge of it flat like the hair of that one guy from Kid N’ Play. And later, as I came down on the north side of Mingus Mountain, I had an exceptional view of Verde Valley:

As I crossed through the valley and neared Sedona, something weird happened. It began raining. I didn’t think it rained too much in Arizona, anywhere. But yes, on my first trip to Arizona, it was raining on me. And, as I headed further North, out of Verde Valley and into another range of mountains, under cover of rain and black clouds, the terrain around me began to change. It was less harsh and craggy, more sloped. And the flora became different. Pine trees. And then, as I passed a sign that told me I had reached an elevation of 5,000 feet, the rain broke, and a rainbow shone brightly. Nay, not a rainbow, but a mythical Double Rainbow.

And as the clouds continued to dissipate, the sun peeked his flaming head out.

Pine trees!!! A forest of Pine!!!

And then, before I knew it, I had finally arrived in Flagstaff. I rolled down the windows as I cruised into town, and still being in my “running” shorts and t-shirt, I was shocked at how incredibly chilly it was. It was in the 50’s, with the sun still partially up. And then I looked around and there sat, just north of the city with its peak shrouded in clouds, Humphreys Peak:

“Mountains, Gandalf! Mountains!”

But, there was no time to sit and marvel, no rest for the weary and travelled. I headed directly to our leasing office on the NAU campus, where I worked with various people in my company (most of whom I had never met) until deep in the night.

That was a few days ago, and since then, I’ve been able to explore the city a little bit better, and take a few photos of things under clear skies.

Here’s a better view the mountain:

And here’s the view from the fifth floor of the Springwood Suites:

And here’s the view at the end of the hallway:

And here’s where I’ve been working, at our temporary leasing office next to the construction site:

And here’s the forested area right across the street:

And here’s me looking bewildered by the two TV’s in my hotel room:

So far, Flagstaff is pretty damn cool. Literally and figuratively. Which is good, because I might be here until November, maybe December.

So keep in touch!!!

Song of the Day – 9/16/ 2011

“Off the Radar, Off the Map…”

That’s me right now. I’m in Flagstaff, Arizona, and I’ve been so incredibly busy with work stuff that I feel like I’ve been totally Off the Grid for the last 48 hours. I haven’t talked to like, anybody. Which, is a bummer, but hey…it happens.

The selection of this classic tune for SotD was inspired by my current location and isolation from people. I have a blog post going up this weekend detailing the breathtaking-ness of Flagstaff, but here’s a hint:

Yep. Double Rainbow. That’s my life right now. Anyways, here’s a great song:

Cory Branan – Tall Green Grass

Good memories tied to that one.

Song of the Day – 9/11/2011 – Bon Iver

Music is a big deal for me, and like most people, I consider it to the soundtrack to my life.

When certain artists/bands/songs play, I almost always associate it with a time in my life, and the music can immediately affect my mood or behavior. When I hear “Hand Covers Bruise” from The Social Network‘s soundtracks, I immediately become pensive and refelective, and when I hear “Your Hand In Mine” by Explosions in the Sky, I think of girlfriends past, and what it felt like to be falling in love.

It’s funny how songs can conjure those feelings, and even funnier how, when I’m wanting to feel a certain emotion, all I’ve got to do is find the appropriate song in my iTunes and press play. And, it’s an adventure to find new music to correspond to the goings-on in my life at a given moment. I went through some dark times, girlfriendtually, during the winter that I heavily played Only By The Night by Kings of Leon, and so I associate songs like “Closer” and “Cold Desert” with that time, that mood, and yes, that girl.

Lately in my life, I’ve been in a hopeful mood, and I’m welcoming my future and whatever comes with it with open arms. I’ve had to make a lot of life adjustments for my job, and at first it was very, very tough to adjust, but nowadays, I’m excited for what each new day might bring. I’m not dwelling on my past or regrets, or what I could have done better, or how I could have fixed the various things I wanted to. Now, I look towards the horizon, and think about what awesome experience might come next. It’s a great feeling, to walk into a Starbucks, or Target, or the bank, and know that the next person I meet may become my next new friend, or even lover. Going sight-seeing in a strange city, taking it all in, and knowing that it may simultaneously be the first and last time I ever see that particular sight. Driving to the airport in my rental car, knowing full-well that I might be departing, never to return again, but that I cherished the experience while it lasted. Yes, these are strange and hopeful times for me, which is why I’ll always associate Bon Iver with that sort of mood, with that hopeful, child-like wonder.

I’ve recently bought both of Bon Iver’s albums, For Emma, Forever Ago and the self-titled Bon Iver, and I’m in love. Discovering this music, one song at a time, makes my heart swell with anxious hope, fully expecting the next song to be better than the last, just like I hope that the next city I visit will be the same. And then, I finally got to the last song on Bon Iver’s latest album…the last song to listen to…and it is truly the swan song of “their” catalogue. It is epically wondrous, and truly unique in its throwbackitude. For me, the spirit of the song makes me recall the epics that I listened to in the dark when I last fell in love, but this is on a new level. A new chapter. Nay, a new beginning, and when I hear it, it makes me excited to fall in love again, and when I do, I hope this song is on the soundtrack.

Bon Iver – Beth/Rest

“Our love is a star
Sure some hazardry
For the light before and after most indefinitely”

And, apparently Bon Iver agrees that this is their swan song; “Beth/Rest” is the last song on their live setlist, the last song during the encore.

Overheard – 9/4/2011

“What, like Kemp in his backswing, striking out? Or Halladay all sweaty, leaving in the 5th? Youkilis fouling a ball off his ankle?”

-Me, in response to Garrett saying I should make a slideshow of my Fantasy Baseball team’s demise

“I’ve never wanted something less than this.”

-Garrett, concerning a lava lamp

“I mean, have you SEEN New Mexico’s license plates? They’re so…tacky.”

-Me, in my brain, imagining how I would bring up New Mexican license plates in conversation

“Shotgun blast to the Anus?”

-Garrett, on my possible suicide method

“I’m watching the Aggie game at Blaine’s. I’m secretly pulling for the Methodists here though.”

-Nevin Nichols, on the Texas A&M season opener against SMU

Keep in mind, folks…all you’ve gotta do to make it into the weekly Overheard column is say something great. That’s it.

At the Drive-In

I went to my first Drive-In movie last week!!! It was the Stars-and-Stripes Drive-In here in Lubbock, and it was really, really cool. Obviously, with the screens outside, movies can’t really start until the sun goes down, so when I arrived at the Drive-In, there was already a line of cars going down the feeder road. When I finally made it to the booth, I paid the high school kid and drove in the gates. There are 4 total screens at the Stars-and-Stripes theater, with their entire lot being divided into quadrants. I was at theater 1, so I pulled my truck up in front of the screen, right up next to all the other cars and trucks, and turned off the lights, and tuned the radio to FM 97.9, the station where the audio for my movie would be playing. There were tons of trucks backed up to the screen with chairs, couches, and pillows in the bed, and people were hanging out, sipping drinks. With the wine bottle opened and the sun going down, it was a fantastic atmosphere, despite headlights constantly being cast on the screen.

Of course, the actual experience at a Drive-In isn’t nearly as good as in a darkened theater with digital projection: you have to wrestle the elements if you’re in the truckbed, or the windshield if you’re in the cab. You’ve gotta worry about the lights on the dashboard in your face, and you’re car’s tendency to to kill the power to the radio to keep the battery from dying. But, despite all this it was really cool. The coolest thing? It was $6 for a double feature!!!

The first movie I saw was Fright Night. Here’s my 10-word review:

Vampires, Great Cast, Hot Girl, Decent Direction, Decent Script: Solid.

Now, the film that was playing on Screen 1 after Fright Night was Final Destination 5, but there was no way I was going to watch that, so I turned on the truck, grabbed some food, and cruised over to screen 3 to watch Conan the Barbarian!!! Here’s my Review!

Fact: Conan’s Jacked, but the script is Whack. 
Stay Back.

Yeah. But, hey, whatever.

I watched the first 15 minutes of the movie standing up in the back of the truck, with my food sitting ont he top of the cab in front of me. It was deep in the night, so the air was cool and dry, and the lights of lubbock were hazy in the distance behind the screen. It was a great moment while it lasted, but I eventually got back into the cab so I could hear the movie. With the movie starting somewhere around 10:30, the crowd had thinned out quite a bit by the time it was over, so it was easy to get out of the theater. As I cruised back towards the lights of town, with bright West Texas stars overhead, I reflected on my experience. Going to a Drive-In, out in the desert with the cool night air rolling in, is just such a classic piece of Americana, and it evokes so many iconic images, like the scenes from Grease, or the memory of my dad telling me that he and his friends used to put friends in the trunk of their car to sneak people into the theater. It’s a shame that there aren’t many Drive-Ins around anymore. I mean, i get it…with only a 4-5 hour window to show movies, and all the downsides to it, it’s not nearly as profitable as theaters, but…it’s a great experience. I’d bet working there would be the perfect summer job for a High School kid (movie idea? DING!). I’ve been saying for some time that the Movie Theater is my church, and it was a really cool experience to get worship in a new way.

But…I must admit, I won’t be seeing Moneyball at the Drive-In. I’ll be a cold, quiet, darkened theater with digital projection.

Hotel VCR

I like The XX, I like music videos, so this was a no-brainer.

This was a solo mission, so those wide shots took some craftiness.

And BTW, that song is “VCR” by The XX. I highly recommend you listen to their entire album.

Song of the Day – 8/22/2011 – Lupe Fiasco

I’m heading to Lubbock today.

I travel a lot. And, it’s a cool feeling, to be walking around in a place you’ve never been to, and just seeing the sights. I can be found in random cities on various monday and friday mornings, riding the moving sidewalk, with backpack on, and laptop bag slung over one shoulder.

And I’ll almost certainly be listening to this song, because it’s my Official Airport Song.

It’s perfect for just…people watching while you walk. Or ride.

Lupe Fiasco – Gold Watch

It’s true.

ACC has an Ocean-Front Property in Arizona!

“We’ve made a change to your long-term assignment. We’re going to send you to Flagstaff, Arizona.”

And just like that, my whole world was rocked!

On my to Richmond tonight, I stopped for dinner in lovely Charlottesville, Viginia, home of the University of Virginia. I had dinner at a lovely place in downtown C-Ville with two guys from my company, and over beers and red wine, we exchanged stories of our jobs and lives. After dinner, the three of us moseyed back to my rental car in the parking garage, whereupon finding my company phone wedged under the driver’s seat, I discovered I had a missed call from my boss. Our boss.

Until today, I had assumed that I’d be spending most of the next 2 months in beautiful Lubbock, Texas…the City of Dreams, I call it. I had been mentally preparing myself for this, and I thought I was ready for the task, but then my boss broke the news. Although I will go to Lubbock next week, and probably stay for the week after that too, I will soon make my way out to Flagstaff Arizona!

Which apparently looks like this:

Read ’em and weep:

As you can see from the pic (courtesy of Google Maps), Flagstaff is 4 hours from Las Vegas, 2.5 hours from Phoenix, and 1.5 hours from the fucking GRAND CANYON. Boom.

(Found this random pic on Google;Thought it was too awkward to not to use)

It’s also 45 minutes from METEOR CRATER.


Yeah. Going to see that.

So, i’m incredibly excited for this opportunity. I’ve never been to Arizona, and I have no idea what to actually expect. Should I bring a jacket? Hiking boots? I’m not sure, but i’m really, really stoked.

Some info about Flagstaff: According to the 2010 census, about 65,000 folks live in Flagstaff; their Record High temperature for August is is a downright chilly 93 degrees; the city sits on the southern tip of the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona’s highest mountain range, and Flagstaff itself sits at an altitude of 7,000 ft.; historic Route 66 runs right through the city; the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort is 15 miles north of the city; oh, and it’s home to Northern Arizona University, where i’ll likely be spending a significant amount of time.

So…that’s my life! I’m going to Arizona in 3 weeks!

Anybody know anybody there? Or have any tips, tricks, or secrets?