
Sedona & The Grand Canyon!

A special lady-friend of mine came to visit me in Arizona this weekend, and we went to Sedona, Arizona on Saturday, November 19, and then to the Grand Canyon on Sunday, November 20.


And people claim that God created this.

He wouldn’t have had time.

Absolutely breathtaking.

For the whole album, click Here!

If You’ve Got No Place to Go…


For more pics of the Blizzy-Blizz, click HERE!!!

A Call From Down South…Way Down

I was lying in bed in my hotel room at about 12:20 in the night, lights off, thinking about my life and some various goings-on, and work and blah blah blah, and I was feeling kind of bummed out. I’ve really missed my friends lately, and work has been outrageously stressful, and I have been boozing too much and not really taking care of myself, so I basically just felt like hell, all-around. When that happens at night, I end up sort of trapped in my own head, looping a bunch of negative thoughts and replaying the things I’d rather not worry about. It isn’t how I want to spend my “relaxation time.”

Plus, my damn sheets are all messed up.

So, I was having a stupid night, and then my phone rang.

The first thing that I thought was, “Oh shit…Clay got murdered in Laredo.” I mean, when the phone rings at 12:30 at night, unexpectedly, it’s rarely good news, right? The number was totally unrecognized (area code 702), so I answered it and said hello, and a female voice giggled and said, “Coots? Do you know who this is?”

And I said, “KIRA???”

Kira Morris, good friend and exceptional snuggler, called me from Antarctica.

Kira currently works for the U.S. government, and last week shipped out from Colorado, and after a brief swing through New Zealand, arrived at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. In the brief time between her return from Europe and her trip down waaaay south, Kira and I hung out a bit in Texas, and after I came back to Arizona, we talked on the phone a little bit, and last week, before she got on her plane bound for NZ, she gave me one last phone call to say goodbye, and I thought I wouldn’t hear from her again for several months.


Kira is a considerate, caring, nurturing person (baha) and was thoughtful and gracious enough to pick up the phone IN ANTARCTICA and call me. She said, “my friend found out a way to make calls back to the States FOR FREE!!! I called my mom first, but she didn’t answer, so I called you because I knew you’d pick up!!!”

And damn right, I answer my phone. Good thing too, because I don’t get calls from Antarctica very often. My words were:

“I don’t, uh…don’t think…yeah…pretty sure I’ve never gotten a call from Antarctica before.”

So, all bullshit aside, Kira…thanks.

That call was more than fun and sweet for me…it brightened a pretty dark night.

For more on Kira, vist her extremely Coots-inspired wordpress blog: MYNAMEISKIRA

When I first found out several months ago that she’d be going to Antarctica, i told Kira, “You DO realize there’s a fantastic chance you’ll be the hottest female on the continent, right? Pretty big honor. I mean…i guess only like, what? Six other girls can say that?”

Old-fashioned, hand-crafted comedy right there.

You guys DO realize that polar bears are only found in the Northern hemisphere, right? So all those Coca-Cola commercials where Penguins and Bears share cokes? Those are bullshit. For a lot of reasons.

Could you imagine zoo keepers keeping penguins and bears together in the same exhibit? And just pouring coke into their water bowls?

That’d be one helluva sugar-fueled bloodbath.

Great Scott!!!

UPDATE: The Nike Air MAG will NOT have power laces. They DO light up though, for up to 4 hours at a time. There are currently no plans to sell them at stores, and will instead be auctioned off on EBAY, and ALL proceeds with go to Michael J. Fox’s foundation to find a cure for Parkinson’s. Great move Nike…pretty awesome. I DO wish I could buy some though.

I bet Kanye will have a pair.

I’m not a shoe guy.

I mean, i AM…i like shoes as much as the next guy. I’ve bought two pairs of shoes within the last month, but that was mostly because I needed them. But, there are people in this world that are REALLY, REALLY into collecting shoes. People like the guys over a Nice Kicks, who run a website soley devoted to shoes. Which, i guess is pretty cool. But that’s all besides the point.

News is breaking today on all my Nerd News websites that Nike is planning on unveiling something BIG tonight (9.8.11), and links have been placed around the internet very cleverly that point to what the unveiling might be:

Ohhhhhhhh. SHIT.

Matt Halfhill over at Nice Kicks has a just posted a story telling how he was randomly called by Nike at midnight, and received a request to be flown out to Los Angeles TODAY for “a big announcement.” As he points out, when they won’t tell you what it is you’re going to see, “you know it’s something bigger than a new colorway of Dunks.”

When Mr. Halfhill arrived in his hotel room, he found something waiting for him:

Hmmm. Nice Box. But…what’s inside?

An invitation, one that says, “It’s about Time.”
A saying usually used to concede that something has been supposed to happen for a long time. But in this case, maybe it’s saying that the announcement is literally about “Time.” Hmmmm. What else is in the box?

Oh Wow. Are those what I think they are?

Yes. Yes they are.

If you still haven’t gotten it yet, kiddies, let me hit you with this:

All signs point to it. It looks like NIKE IS GOING TO RELEASE POWER LACES!!!


Visors: The New Thing to Do

Geordi LaForge was born without eyesight, but luckily, he was born in the 24th century, and science gave him sight. Using his VISOR (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement), Commander LaForge was able to see several spectrums of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum, essentially rendering him super-human. If we only had that kind of technology now…

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Let’s…let’s make this a thing.

Handy-Dandy Socio-Political Guidance Chart

It would be super easy to make a ton of jokes here based on the content of this image, but I think it’s much more appropriate to just let this speak for itself. I think there are a lot of people out there that aren’t really sure where they stand, and even more people who don’t understand where others stand.

Perhaps this will shed some light for you.

Since my cultural awakening, I’ve pretty much always identified with “Liberals,” and after looking this infographic over, I thought, “Yep. That is SO me. SO me.” Who knows…maybe you’ll find yourself?

See? Those guys on the other side of the fence aren’t so bad.

Please comment below with thoughts and opinions…this could get interesting.

The Most Illegal Thing in the History of Wrestling!

Unbelievable. I can’t believe they let these guys get away with shit like this.

“Veggisaurus, Lex…Veggisaurus.”

Like Lex in the 1994 masterpiece Jurassic Park, I did not know until a later stage in life that animals could survive without meat. I had always thought that every living creature partakes in eating from all four major food groups: plants, animals, burgers, and Jello™. Imagine my surprise when, as a 25 year-old man, i learned that an entire population of people out there chooses not to eat meat.

Apparently, there is an underground culture of folks out there that do not eat meat who call themselves “Vegetarians.” They do not eat meat for many reasons, some of which are ridiculous, and some of which are fairly legitimate. Some vegetarians eat meat because they are sad for the animals that had to die. That’s fairly ridiculous. Others don’t eat meat because of health reasons, which is pretty legit; studies by scientists have shown that heavier, iron-clad foods like red meat can…um…kill you. Some don’t eat meat for Religious reasons, and that’s totally legit; The Electronic Warrior/Poet sees truths in all religions, and thus digs people of other cultures and beliefs. But then, there are others don’t eat meat because they’re just pretentious…but who isn’t these days?

Of course, Vegetarianism is not without its criticisms. Many people say, “Oh, you’re just being pretentious,” or “you’re just being picky because you don’t like it,” or even, “Lemme tell you what Timothy: if you don’t finish all that goddamned chicken that your mother cooked for you, I’m going to take your ass to the woodshed after dinner.” Another common criticism of Vegetarianism is its inherent elitism. The World Food Programme estimates that “925 million people…the populations of the USA, Canada, and the European Union combined…do not have enough to eat,” and yet, Vegetarians are so overloaded with abundance that they can actively choose to shun certain types of food because “that’s just their cushy lifestyle.”

But still…there are way more asshole-ish ways to live your life.

There are several sects of people in the “Alternative Foods Lifestyle” (just made that up) that are regularly at war with each other. Pescetarians, for example, will dine on seafood, but not other animals. Darians will eat dairy foods, but not the actual cow that the dairy comes from. Poultrygeists eat only chickens and other fowls. Vegans, from the planet Venus, survive only on moss and berries. All these groups meet once a year just outside of Olathe, Kansas and battle each other with pitchforks and machetes to see which group gets to stand atop the big, gay food pyramid of the Alternative Foods Movement, and who gets to stand at the foot of that pyramid, eating Jello™.

But, i digress.

Obviously, vegetarianism is wholly misunderstood by the general public, and often ridiculed and/or loathed as if its followers are the same people who crashed planes into the World Trade Center and turned the Beatles into a bunch of acid-dropping pinkos. Vegetarians are neither of those things. They’re just regular people like you and me, who have made a choice to not eat like everybody else. Like all minorities, Vegetarians have to be bold in their resolve, and approach each day with their mind focused and their spirit tempered. They cannot and should not waver when jabbed at, and if need be, they should sit at a diner and get meat-shakes poured on them.

My heart beats hard for the little man who is oppressed by the bullies of the world, and so to better understand their plight, I have agreed to an experiment. Like the hot chicks who dressed up in fat suits for a day on the Tyra show, i will masquerade as something i am not…

For the entire month of February 2011, i will be a Vegetarian.

More details tonight.

You’re Welcome, Humanity.

For years, mankind has tried to solve a horrifyingly genocidal riddle: How do we save our favorite planet from a world-killing asteroid that has its sights set on us?

In the MTV Movie Award-winning film Armageddon, Harry Stamper and his ragtag team of roughnecks, geologists, and brazen hillbillies descends down upon the surface of an asteroid so dastardly, Owen Wilson called it, “The scariest environment imaginable.” Their Goal: Hit 800 Feet. Then, drop a thermonuclear weapon inside the asteroid and blast it in half.

Although Stamper and his crew (well, not so much Stamper) succeeded in their mission, I’d like to propose a simpler, less ridiculous method of averting an Earth-destroying asteroid impact.

It is rumored that somewhere around the year 2020 (ten years from now…wait…nine), a massive asteroid will creep near the Earth, and depending on which of three predicted paths it takes, scientists will know whether or not it will impact the Earth on its next pass through the solar system, approximately 115 years later.

This is all hearsay, btw.

If science can successfully identify the incoming asteroid years before its alleged impact, a massive (literally, an object with lots of mass) satellite should be sent into space to rendezvous with the asteroid. Then, using thrusters, the satellite will circle the asteroid in an elliptical orbit as it approaches the Earth.

Over the course of many years, the gravitational pull of the massive satellite will alter the course of the asteroid, thus “throwing off the aim” of the asteroid, and taking Earth out of the crosshairs.

The asteroid passes harmlessly by the Earth, and we wave to it as it passes, chuckling quietly in our supreme intelligence. Then, if we feel the need, we can shoot a few nukes at it. Years later, an indebted mankind erects (ha!) a statue of me at the site of the Asteroid’s supposed impact point. The statue is of me raising my arms to the sky, palms up as if to repel a space-rock with my bare hands, and my unwavering face seems to be shouting, “STOP, ASTEROID! GO AWAY!”

You’re welcome, humanity.

P.S. I thought of this while cooking baked chicken in my kitchen.

Brandon Coots: Defender of American Intelligence and Worldliness

At my work, i meet a lot of interesting people. A few days ago, i met a guy and his buddy, and I took them on a tour of City Parc. When we returned to the clubhouse, i sat and talked with them for a bit. We became comfortable talking with each other, and they made a reference to their multiculturalism. Having noted that they both spoke with heavy arabic accents, I asked where they were from.

“Saudi Arabia,” they responded.

In conversation with myself and another person working in the office, somehow they mentioned that Americans have no sense of Geography. Refuting this claim, I said, “I know exactly where Saudi Arabia is.” With a lease sitting right in front of him, he said, “alright then, I will sign this lease if you can name all of the countries bordering Saudi Arabia.”

Without hesitation, I began.

He will be moving in on February 1.

I believe the guy said something to the effect of, “Most Americans would never know that!”

You’re welcome, America.

Clay Matthews Duchenne Commercial (Unseen First Cut)

I think it’s really insensitive for Matthews to say things like that. But…he is a badass, and I like the Packers to make it to the Super Bowl.

Shame that Matthews is such a blockhead though…

Why I Hate America

I really don’t want to get into politics or religion, but…this is ridiculous.

Noah’s Ark to be Built in Kentucky

There are holes in your argument, guys.

The Truth About Why We Do Things

While Stumbling, i ran across this site.

I found out the following things:

1. Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters
2. Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives
3. Why Most Suicide Bombers Are Muslim
4. Why Men Like “Blonde Bombshells”
5. Why Humans Are Naturally Polygamous

And many other interesting things. Go ahead and check that out.