Posts tagged “poster

Top 10 Most-Anticipated Films Remaining in 2011

Back in January, I posted an entry called “My Top 10 Most-Anticipated Films of 2011.” As I scroll through the list now, I realize that every single one of them has been released already, and that I’ve seen all of them except one. So now, I’ll give each one of them a 10-word review to see if I hit or missed, and we’ll move on.

1. Thor: Like the tales of Vikings old, this movie is epic.
2. Captain America: The First Avenger: There are only three words to say: America, Fuck Yeah!
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2: Epic and sad, yes. But somehow, i felt let down.
4. Sucker Punch: Please punch my balls again, because i like it more.
5. Super 8: Ahhh, nostalgia. My heart swelled, the lens flared, i smiled.
6: Kung-Fu Panda 2: “The cup you have chosen to fill is bottomless.” Epic.
7: The Tree of Life: Matt and I tried to catch it after work, failed.
8: Battle: Los Angeles: So wait…which aliens are these? Not Independence Day ones?
9: Cowboys & Aliens: “I don’t remember who I am.” Me either. Yawn City.
10: X-Men: First Class: Fassbender + McAvoy + The 60’s = The coolest X-Men since the cartoon.

Wow. That was fun. Maybe I’ll start doing 10-word reviews for everything I see.

Anyways, every single movie that was on that list is now come and gone, or fading rapidly, so I think it’s more than appropriate to create a new list, one to guide the sheep to the greenest of pastures.

Now, anybody who knows me knows that I’m huge into movies. I track them relentlessly, and I keep tabs on things that aren’t coming out for years. I’d consider myself an amateur movie critic, and also someone who hopes to maybe one day work in the industry. That said, I pay attention to the industry like it’s my job.

It’s unfortunate that most people don’t share this passion with me, but that’s ok…to each their own. But, I try to make my knowledge accessible to people who don’t follow the industry, so that they may make educated guesses about which films are going to be good, which will be bad, and which will be downright terrible. It’s my opinion that people should NOT go see films like “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” or “Transformers 3” (even though I DID see that last one), because if you give the producers your money, you’re telling them, “Yes, please make more trash like this.” Your dollars are your votes, and I’d like to help people vote for quality films, so that in the future, we have a golden age of cinema where everything is amazing and nothing sucks.

That’ll never happen though, but hey…i tried.

Without further ado, here are my

Top 10 Most-Anticipated Movies Remaining in 2011!

1. Moneyball


Based on the book of the same title by Michael Lewis, Moneyball is the true story of Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane, and how he revolutionized professional Baseball using a non-traditional way of scouting players. The film has an unusual pedigree for a sports movie, with Brad Pitt starring and Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Jonah Hill supporting him. Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network) wrote the screenplay, and it’s directed by Academy Award-nominated director Bennett Miller. Wow. I’m thinking this is the front-runner for the Best Film of the Year right now, and I think a lot of people are going to agree with me. With Brad Pitt, baseball, baseball statistics, and a Friday Night Lights-feel, this movie is right in my wheelhouse. And that one-sheet poster? Jeeeeez. Frame-worthy.

Release Date: September 23

For the Full List, Click Here!

The Dark Knight Rises!

The teaser for The Dark Knight Rises. Does anything else need to be said?

Great poster. It hints at plotlines, and suggests that, as Gotham crumbles, the Dark Knight will rise amongst the rubble. Really, really cool. First trailer is supposed to be attached to Harry Potter this weekend, so keep your eyes peeled.

Captain America: The First Avenger

Ya know, I was never really a huge Captain America fan. But, after I read Marvel’s Civil War books a while back, i have a newfound appreciation for him and what he represents. He’s not a big, dumb, symbol of ” ‘Merica, man…,” but a symbol of what we could be. What we used to be during the World War II, when our country banded together to oppose true, blue evil in the form of Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers. Cap’ is us before JFK’s Assasination, before Viet Nam, before the Cold War, before Desert Storm, Clinton’s blowjob, 9/11, and Iraq & Afghanistan. He is what we were before what we are now. He’s a big ‘ole Boy Scout, and he’s guided by a moral compass so unwavering that he makes Batman look like a serial killer.

It’s been well-documented that Marvel Studios’ Thor is my most-anticipated movie of the year, but…Captain America is creepin. The more things I see about this film, the more pumped i get. Director Joe Johnston has said this movie was a blast to make and came together really easily, and that he’s seen the first cut and it’s “a lot of fun to watch.” And today, they’ve release an AMAZING poster, and it’s 100% official: I’M. STOKED.

Keep your eyes peeled for the first trailer during the Super Bowl.

Captain America: The First Avenger comes out in July.

Yeah, It’s Fake, but DAMN…It’s Good.

If you didn’t already know, the next (and final?) film in Christopher Nolan’s Batman series is entitled The Dark Knight Rises, and it will be releases upon the throngs next July. It hasn’t even started shooting yet (starts up in May), but with Anne Hathaway (Selena Kyle a.k.a. Catwoman) and Tom Hardy (Bane) having recently joined the cast the buzz is already deafening.

So deafening, in fact, that fans are already making posters. This one is a jewel:

Geek Tyrant has the story here.

Which do you like more…that one, or the one below?

Next July can’t come soon enough…